Saturday, August 4, 2012

A Day in the Life: Friday Night Dinners

A Day in the Life, through pictures! I've seen a lot of people take a photo every hour throughout the course of a day and I thought it was a fun way to document the little things that happens to you. So here's mine from yesterday, August 3rd!

|| 6:30am ||
Breakfast! Rice with miso soup and a hard boiled egg. Delish! Like my cup? =)

|| 7:30am ||
 My roommates and I started doing Friday Night Dinners, which involves one of us picking a movie that we like but that at least one other person hasn't seen. Here I'm planning out the "themed" dinner to go with this week's movie, The Count of Monte Cristo! 

|| 8:30am ||
Played with Motzy while she was trying to take a nap =)

|| 9:30am ||
Relaxing with some doodling (good practice too!)

|| 10:30am ||
Heading out to pick up supplies for dinner. Since we're doing a French theme to go with Count of Monte Cristo, I went with a loose, messy French braid =) Excuse the emo pose - this photo was a bit hard to take!

|| 11:30am ||
Found these awesome little sketchbooks in the $1 bins at Target! One's going in my bag, and the other is going next to my bed (for when I get fun project ideas while I'm out or settling in for bed)

|| 12:30pm ||
Preparing the dessert for tonight, Creme Brulee! Needed to be refrigerated, so I made them early

|| 1:30pm ||
Working on the next strip for my webcomic, Someone Else on Sundays

|| 2:30pm ||
Catching up on some journal entries. I've tried various times to keep a journal, but eventually I always quit. This little journal poses a simple question each day and all you have to do is answer the question. I figure it has a better chance of lasting than the other journals!

|| 3:30pm ||
 Chopping up veggies in preparation for tonight's dinner! These always takes me awhile, so I try to do them early and have them ready to go when I start cooking.

|| 4:30pm ||
Got an idea for a new papercraft project and did a really rough sketch. It'll probably be completely different by the end

|| 5:30pm ||
Cooking time! Lookie the pretty colors! Although looking at this now, I should have added some more greens!

|| 6:30pm ||
Time to feast and watch the movie!

The rest of the night was just us eating and watching the movie and then just chilling and chatting. All in all, a good day! Hope you enjoyed this glimpse into a day in my life! =)

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