Monday, August 13, 2012


Looks like it's going to be another hot week *sigh*. It wouldn't be so bad if my work didn't involve long hours at the computer (which tends to heat up the room). Oh well, nothing to do about it. Happy thoughts! =)

Like playing peek-a-boo! I caught Motzy taking a nap on the floor next to me and snapped a picture on my phone. She heard me and peeked out, so I snapped a second one. I know it's a super simple GIF but it makes me smile watching it =) It's the simple things in life!

I had an awesome time Saturday night watching the Perseid meteor shower with Nelson. I'm preparing a post all about it, so be sure to come back tomorrow to check it out! 

Happy Monday everyone!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

An Adventure in Cooking: French Food

Time for a second round of my adventure in cooking! I've been wanting to read and watch the Count of Monte Cristo for awhile now, so I was pretty happy when my friend chose that as her movie pick for the week! We decided to go with a French food theme. On the menu: Bouillabaisse with French bread and Creme Brulee for dessert!
 Bouillabaisse was the first thing I thought of when I thought French food. I'm not sure why, but it seems very "French" to me. I was a bit nervous making this dish since it called for so much fish and I really didn't want it to come out tasting too fishy. I also had to omit some key ingredients like saffron (yikes too expensive!) and the orange zest (no zester... yet!) so I'm not sure if that would've changed the taste. Everyone seemed to like it though! For me, it was okay but I felt like it needed something else. A dash (ok, maybe a little more than a dash...) of tobasco sauce solved that problem nicely =)
It's not creme brulee without the caramelized sugar on top, but what to do if you don't have a torch? I found this no-torch method online that worked out really well. My only mistake was making the layer way too thick whoops!
When I first heard of creme brulee, something about it just sounded very unappealing to me. So I avoided eating it for the longest time. I finally tried it for the first time about a year or so ago and realized it's actually quite delicious! Not something that I would eat all the time, but as a treat once in awhile it's yummy!
That was my cooking adventure! Both recipes turned out successful enough that my friends have already asked for them to be entered into the regular cooking cycle, so I'm really happy with the results =) I leave you with this quote from the Count of Monte Cristo:

Life is a storm, my young friend. You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes.

Happy Saturday all!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Color me blue

Oye it's been a really uncomfortably hot week! That's one downside of working from home - no more air-conditioned office. Oh well, at least it doesn't get this hot that often =) It's been hard to be productive though, so I've been online shopping more than usual. I was looking at a few things the other day and realized that several of them could be combined into an outfit or two. I'm horrible with fashion - I just toss clothes on in the morning, regardless of whether they "go together" or not. But I think this would look pretty good no?

I've always been more of a tomboy, but lately I've been getting the urge to wear more dresses and jewelry/accessory stuff. Oh no, I'm going girly!

|1| - I doubt this dress will look good on me, but I like the way it looks on the display!
|2 and 3| - Peacock feathers and doves! I should wear more scarves
|4| - I'm not too crazy about the floral prints on this dress, but look at that skirt! I love uneven hem on skirts =)
|5| - I think I mentioned before that I'm space obsessed, so moon and star earrings? Yes please! I'm about to get two more piercings in my left earlobes. These would go perfectly there!
|6| - I have a pair of Rocket Dog boots that I really love. These ones are pretty nice too!
|7| - Such a delicate bracelet!

Happy Friday everyone! Hope you have fun stuff planned for the weekend =) The Perseid meteor shower will be peaking this weekend, so be sure to try and catch it!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

WW #1

I call this series Wednesday Around the Web. Basically just neat things I find while surfing around that I think might interest other people =) Also, it'll be awesome to be able to look back on all of them later!

I love these libraries in Austria! I'm a huge bookworm and if I ever buy a house, I would definitely make sure it has an extra room I can turn into a library =) 

These little animal magnets are so cute! I can't even pick a favorite one, I want them all!

These aren't colors I'm normally drawn to, but they go together so well! I love the shoulder straps and that peek of pink in the skirt!
via ModCloth 

I want to be here right now!
I love the details in this belt buckle, and the color is so pretty!
via Romwe

 Look at these cute dragons! I've only tried crocheting once (I made a few brain slugs from Futurama for our Halloween costumes), but I really liked it! When I have time again I think I'll give these little guys a try =)

Have an awesome Wednesday everyone!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Happy Thoughts Mondays!

Aaah Mondays. Back to work, back to reality. To help keep away the Monday blues, I try to think about things that made me happy. Here are 5 five things that made me smile this past week!

|| 1 ||
 Curiosity lands on Mars!! How awesome was that?? I was so excited watching the NASA feed during the landing. It was like I was actually there! I'm completely space-obsessed and would like to think that in another life, I could've been in that room. Hey maybe there's an alternate universe out there somewhere where I actually am! =)  
via NASA

|| 2 ||
Catching Motzy sleeping in the funniest positions. Soooo cute!!

|| 3 ||
Look who I ran into at the Obon Festival over the weekend!! George Takei himself! He was there promoting his new musical, Allegiance, and was nice enough to take a picture with me! Excuse my horrible hair ugh

|| 4 ||
It's Calvin and Hobbes and Firefly. How can you resist?? I ordered a blue one =) Can't wait for it to come so I can wear it a million times!
|| 5 || 
My kitty is so talented, she peed a perfect music note! I kid you not. This is not photoshopped! Maybe I should put her on the piano with a camcorder recording. Or the ukulele! Youtube video time! 
(Yes, I realize I'm posting a picture of cat pee heheh)

I hope some of those pictures made you smile too! Have a Happy Monday everyone!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

An Adventure in Cooking: Scottish Food

Hello! I mentioned in the last post about something my roommates and I do call Friday Night Dinners, where I prepare a themed dinner to go with a movie that one of us picked. Last weekend the chosen movie was Braveheart, so of course I went with Scottish food! After some research I decided on Cullen Skink with Scottish Baps, and Minced Meat with Mashed Potatoes

UPDATE: Do you guys want the recipes I used to make these? I didn't think about posting them at first since they're modification of recipes you can find online and I wasn't sure anybody would be interested, but let me know if you want them! Just post a comment or email me at whyst3d [at] gmail [dot] com =) 

I love, love soup with bread. I don't think soup should ever be without bread. I even have a slice of bread with my ramen! =)

I really do not like the taste of onions. I try not to use the word "hate", but if I were to use it, the taste of onions would be one of the first place I would apply the term. Luckily when you cook it into soup (which I feel like almost every recipe requires it), you can't taste the onions anymore! Plus I always use red onions when I can, and the pretty colors while they cook almost makes up for the horrible effect they have on my eyes while I'm chopping them up.

I really love bread. I could probably survive on it alone! Even so, these Scottish Baps were exceptionally good! I'm not a huge fan of the flour dusting on top though (or maybe I just put way too much?). Next time I'll probably omit that step.

Traditional Cullen Skink is suppose to be made with smoked haddock, but could be substituted for other types of smoked white fish if you can't get your hands on haddock. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any smoked white fish at all! I ended up using smoked salmon. The soup was still really good, but I would love to try the "real" Cullen Skink soup someday! Also, Cullen Skink is one of the most awesome soup names, don't you think?

The Cullen Skink with Scottish Baps was enough of a meal for me, but I have a meat-eater that I thought would need a bit more food/variety. Originally I was going to make Scottish Pie, which is minced meat pie, but realized too late that I had tossed out my pie pans a little while back. It all worked out though! A little more research showed that a popular Scottish dish is minced meat (minus the pie) with mashed potatoes. I had some potatoes lying around, so I didn't even have to run out for more supplies =)

I hope you enjoyed checking out the pictures from my Scottish food adventure! I had so much fun learning about and cooking them! And now I'll end things on this note: FREEEEEEEEEEEDOM!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

A Day in the Life: Friday Night Dinners

A Day in the Life, through pictures! I've seen a lot of people take a photo every hour throughout the course of a day and I thought it was a fun way to document the little things that happens to you. So here's mine from yesterday, August 3rd!

|| 6:30am ||
Breakfast! Rice with miso soup and a hard boiled egg. Delish! Like my cup? =)

|| 7:30am ||
 My roommates and I started doing Friday Night Dinners, which involves one of us picking a movie that we like but that at least one other person hasn't seen. Here I'm planning out the "themed" dinner to go with this week's movie, The Count of Monte Cristo! 

|| 8:30am ||
Played with Motzy while she was trying to take a nap =)

|| 9:30am ||
Relaxing with some doodling (good practice too!)

|| 10:30am ||
Heading out to pick up supplies for dinner. Since we're doing a French theme to go with Count of Monte Cristo, I went with a loose, messy French braid =) Excuse the emo pose - this photo was a bit hard to take!

|| 11:30am ||
Found these awesome little sketchbooks in the $1 bins at Target! One's going in my bag, and the other is going next to my bed (for when I get fun project ideas while I'm out or settling in for bed)

|| 12:30pm ||
Preparing the dessert for tonight, Creme Brulee! Needed to be refrigerated, so I made them early

|| 1:30pm ||
Working on the next strip for my webcomic, Someone Else on Sundays

|| 2:30pm ||
Catching up on some journal entries. I've tried various times to keep a journal, but eventually I always quit. This little journal poses a simple question each day and all you have to do is answer the question. I figure it has a better chance of lasting than the other journals!

|| 3:30pm ||
 Chopping up veggies in preparation for tonight's dinner! These always takes me awhile, so I try to do them early and have them ready to go when I start cooking.

|| 4:30pm ||
Got an idea for a new papercraft project and did a really rough sketch. It'll probably be completely different by the end

|| 5:30pm ||
Cooking time! Lookie the pretty colors! Although looking at this now, I should have added some more greens!

|| 6:30pm ||
Time to feast and watch the movie!

The rest of the night was just us eating and watching the movie and then just chilling and chatting. All in all, a good day! Hope you enjoyed this glimpse into a day in my life! =)

Friday, August 3, 2012

Nelson's Lunches, #1

Hi everyone! Welcome to A Place Less Complicated! =) I never really know how to start these things, so we'll just jump right in =) If you do want to know a little more about me first, just click here.

I love playing with food! Recently I've started playing with bento ideas when packing lunches for my best friend in the world, Nelson. When I decided to start up this blog, I knew I wanted to add a weekly section dedicated to the more successful of those attempts. So here it is, Nelson's Lunches, #1! 

 Which power up will you be using at work today?